167 research outputs found


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    [Ensino da Programação CAD para Estudantes de Arquitetura] O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a relevância da inclusão de uma disciplina de programação de computadores no currículo de Graduação em Arquitetura e urbanismo. Ele começa explicando como a programação tem sido aplicada em outros contextos educacionais com grande sucesso pedagógico, e descrevendo os princípios de Papert. Em seguida, é apresentado um resumo da evolução do CAD e três exemplos históricos de aplicações da programação no ensino de arquitetura são apresentados, seguidos por um exemplo contemporâneo de grande relevância. Finalmente, é proposta uma metodologia para o ensino de programação para arquitetos, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos projetos, tornando os conceitos arquitetônicos mais explícitos. Essa metodologia é baseada na experiência da autora de ensino de programação para alunos do curso de graduação em arquitetura na Universidade Estadual de Campinas. O trabalho termina com uma discussão sobre o papel da programação nos dias de hoje, quando a maioria dos programas de CAD são amigáveis. Como conclusão, sugere-se que a introdução da programação no currículo de CAD, dentro de um arcabouço teórico apropriado, pode vir a transformar o conceito de ensino da arquitetura. Palavras-chave: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education. ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to discuss the relevance of including the discipline of computer programming in the architectural curriculum. To do so I start by explaining how computer programming has been applied in other educational contexts with pedagogical success, describing Seymour Papert's principles. After that, I summarize the historical development of CAD and provide three historical examples of educational applications of computer programming in architecture, followed by a contemporary case that I find of particular relevance. Next, I propose a methodology for teaching programming for architects that aims at improving the quality of designs by making their concepts more explicit. This methodology is based on my own experience teaching computer programming for architecture students at undergraduate and graduate levels at the State University of Campinas, Brazil. The paper ends with a discussion about the role of programming nowadays, when most CAD software are user-friendly and do not require any knowledge of programming for improving performance. I conclude that the introduction of programming in the CAD curriculum within a proper conceptual framework may transform the concept of architectural education. Key-words: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education.The objective of this paper is to discuss the relevance of including the discipline of computer programming in the architectural curriculum. To do so I start by explaining how computer programming has been applied in other educational contexts with pedagogical success, describing Seymour Papert's principles. After that, I summarize the historical development of CAD and provide three historical examples of educational applications of computer programming in architecture, followed by a contemporary case that I find of particular relevance. Next, I propose a methodology for teaching programming for architects that aims at improving the quality of designs by making their concepts more explicit. This methodology is based on my own experience teaching computer programming for architecture students at undergraduate and graduate levels at the State University of Campinas, Brazil. The paper ends with a discussion about the role of programming nowadays, when most CAD software are user-friendly and do not require any knowledge of programming for improving performance. I conclude that the introduction of programming in the CAD curriculum within a proper conceptual framework may transform the concept of architectural education. Key-words: Computer programming; computer-aided design; architectural education

    Chat with Branko Kolarevic

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    On December 18, 2013, a group of researchers from LAPAC, the Laboratory of Automation and Prototyping for Architecture and Construction, at the University of Campinas, had a video-conference with Prof. Branko Kolarevic, from Calgary University. Although the main objective of the talk was to discuss the question of digital fabrication and its impacts in the making of buildings, each researcher had the opportunity to ask something about their own topic of research, which are all related to computational design: parametric modeling, the use of programming in the creative process, responsive architecture and evolutionary computation. Among these researchers were students with different backgrounds – architecture, civil engineering, mechatronics and computer science – and at different levels, from undergrads to PhD candidates

    The seven myths in architectural detailing that are changing in the digital age

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    Although not always given the necessary attention, architectural detailingis of extreme importance for many aspects of a building. It can defineits theoretical expression, production processes and sustainability issues.The objective of this paper is to discuss the changes in the practice ofarchitectural detailing with the recent introduction of new technologiesin the design and construction processes, such as digital modeling, rapidprototyping and digital fabrication, based on a review of the literature on thesubject. The paper starts with a summary of architectural detailing conceptsand theories from three different points of view: the design studio, buildingtechnology and theory and criticism. Next, some recent projects that usedigital fabrication are described, with a focus on detailing issues. Finally,conclusions are drawn about what is changing in architectural detailing,what abilities are now needed, and how they can be incorporated inarchitectural education

    Além da avaliação energética e ambiental nas etapas iniciais do processo de projeto

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    Este trabalho descreve o uso de um aplicativo de análise simplificada de desempenho energético em uma disciplina de projeto de arquitetura de quarto ano, discutindo sua contribuição para o processo de tomada de decisão e refletindo em seguida sobre duas importantes questões: a relação entre o projeto e o desempenho do edifício e a relação entre o ensino de projeto e o ensino da informática aplicada

    Algorithm-Aided Design with Python: Analysis of Technological Competence of Subjects

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    Difficulties in learning computer programming for novices is a subject of abundant scientific literature. These difficulties seem to be accentuated in students whose academic choice is not computation, like architecture students. However, they need to study programming, since it is part of the new academic curricula. The results presented here are part of a PhD research, which investigates the achievement motivation and the acquisition and transfer of programming knowledge from an online environment designed on the basis of the 4C-ID instructional design model. These results are a sociodemographic analysis, and the technological competence of these subjects. We concluded that most of the students of our sample do not know how to auto assess their ICT expertise level, because they believed that they had sufficient computational knowledge for their needs. However, most of them told that they had difficulties creating codes. However, they recognized the importance of learning to program, thought it was valuable for architectural students, and felt motivated to acquire this new skill.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As funções de uma maquete

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    The paper initially discusses the different applications of physical models in architecture. It then gives some examples of architectural scale models produced with digital fabrication techniques, with different purposes. Finally, a case study about the production of a model for an arts museum is presented. The objective of this model was to help the museum curators to plan an exhibition. The process involved many issues, such as drafting architectural details in CAD software, 3D-scanning of objects and using a laser cutter and a 3D-printer. Key words: architectural scale model, rapid prototyping, 3D-scanning.Neste artigo são discutidas as diferentes aplicações dos modelos físicos em arquitetura. Em seguida, são apresentados alguns exemplos de maquetes arquitetônicas produzidas com técnicas de fabricação digital, com diferentes finalidades. Finalmente, como estudo de caso, é descrita a produção de uma maquete para um museu. O objetivo da maquete era ajudar a equipe de curadores do museu a planejar um exposição. Esse processo envolveu diferentes questões, como o desenho de detalhes arquitetônicos em um aplicativo CAD, a digitalização 3D de objetos e o uso de uma cortadora a laser e de uma impressora 3D. Palavras-chave: maquete arquitetônica, prototipagem rápida, digitalização 3D

    Contemporary architecture and scientific development

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    In the last fifteen hundred years there has been a paradigmatic shift, science has replaced architectural treatises, and scientific methods are used to justify technical and even aesthetical decisions. The present issue of PARC – Research in Architecture and Construction – presents ten examples of the use of such methods for the production of buildings and the analysis of space. They range from the use of cognitive psychology for the conceptual phases of design and the simulation of human behavior by computer agents to the application of syntactic methods for the analysis of space. With this issue, we expect to contribute to the discussion about the effective contribution of science to the quality of the built space


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    The present paper describes an integrative design experiment in which different types of models were used in order to achieve a design that compromises aesthetics, lightness, fabrication, assembly and structural performance. It shows how an integrative aproach, through the use of both virtual and physical models, can provide valuable feedback in different phases of the design and fabrication process. It was possible to conclude that the design method used allowed solving many problems and had a significant impact in the resulting object

    A theoretical reflection on smart shape modeling

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    This paper presents, as far as the authors are aware, a complete and extended new taxonomy of shape specification modeling techniques and a characterization of shape design systems, all based on the relationship of users’ knowledge to the modeling system they use to generate shapes. In-depth knowledge of this relationship is not usually revealed in the regular university training courses such as bachelor’s, master’s and continuing education. For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to modify the learning process, offering a more global vision of all the currently existing techniques and extending training in those related to algorithmic modeling techniques. We consider the latter to be the most powerful current techniques for modeling complex shapes that cannot be modeled with the usual techniques known to date. Therefore, the most complete training should include everything from the usual geometry to textual programming. This would take us a step further along the way to more powerful design environments. The proposed taxonomy could serve as a guideline to help improve the learning process of students and designers in a complex environment with increasingly powerful requirements and tools. The term “smart” is widely used nowadays, e.g. smart phones, smart cars, smart homes, smart cities... and similar terms such as “smart shape modeling”. Nowadays, the term smart is applied from a marketing point of view, whenever an innovation is used to solve a complex problem. This is the case for what is currently called smart shape modeling. However, in the future; this concept should mean a much better design environment than today. The smart future requires better trained and skilled engineers, architects, designers or technical students. This means that they must be prepared to be able to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, to the use of innovations to solve complex problems of form, and to the extraction of the relevant pieces of intelligence from the growing volume of knowledge and technologies accessible today. Our taxonomy is presented from the point of view of methods that are possibly furthest away from what is considered today as “intelligent shape modeling” to the limit of what is achievable today and which the authors call “Generic Shape Algorithm”. Finally, we discuss the characteristics that a shape modeling system must have to be truly “intelligent”: it must be “proactive” in applying innovative ideas to achieve a solution to a complex problem

    O novo detalhe arquitetônico

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    A ideia de fazer uma chamada específica da revista PARC com o tema do detalhamento arquitetônico surgiu a partir de dois acontecimentos no primeiro semestre de 2013. O primeiro foi o oferecimento da disciplina de Prototipagem e Fabricação Digital, em que se procurou explorar a relação entre o processo de detalhamento e o uso das novas tecnologias CAD/CAM, no programa de pós-graduação da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FEC) da Unicamp em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade (ATC). O segundo acontecimento foi a realização do congresso Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM), de 26 a 29 de junho, na Faculdade de Arquitectura (FA) da Universidade de Lisboa, reunindo designers, arquitetos e representantes da indústria que utiliza alta tecnologia. A chamada se estendeu por vários meses, e não foi nada fácil localizar pesquisadores que já tivessem algum material produzido sobre este assunto tão novo. Nossos pareceristas realizaram um trabalho criterioso para garantir que este número não fugisse do assunto proposto